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Filter save problem

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Filter save problem
I'm trying to set a filter to show all task not completed and those completed today. I modify the "Date completed" field to show "Today + Empty" but when I save the filter, the "+ Empty" is never saved so my filter is useless only showing the tasks completed today.
You can set filters on completed and uncompleted tasks, when you set filters on these tasks, you can shift between filters by one click.

If you want to see only completed tasks on your task list, please do the following:

1. In "Filters Bar" choose "completed" in "Completion" field.
2. Click on "Save filter as.." button.
3. Enter filter preset name. (for example: completed tasks)
4. Click Ok.

If you want to see only uncompleted tasks on your task list, please do the following:

1. In "Filters Bar" choose "uncompleted" in "Completion" field.
2. Click on "Save filter as.." button.
3. Enter filter preset name. (for example: uncompleted tasks)
4. Click Ok.

If you want to see the tasks that was completed today, please do the following:

1. In "Filters Bar", choose "Due Date" filter.
2. Check on "Relative" option and choose "today".
3. Click on "Save filter as" button.
4. Name this filter (for example: today's tasks)
5. Click Ok.
What I need is a composite of both: I want to see all uncompleted tasks PLUS the tasks I completed during the day.

So I created a filter to show anything with date completed = today or empty field. But the "empty filed" part of this line does not get saved.
Dear Michel Ferland,

Thank you for your suggestion! It's a pity, but at the moment there isn't a possibility to see all uncompleted tasks PLUS the tasks that were completed during the day on the task list at the same time.
However, we'll discuss the possibility of adding your suggestion to our feature request list.
You are wrong on this, I can do it by creating a filter with date completed "relative today" and "show task without date". It shows the list as I want it, everything is perfect. My problem is that this filter is not saved properly, the "show without date" part is not saved, only the "relative today". This is not a missing feature, only a simple filter saving bug.
Dear Michel Ferland,

I'm sorry for the inconvenience! I just misunderstood you. Yes, you are right, this is a bug. It will be fixed by the next update.
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