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Import CSV File

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Import CSV File, Can't Import a CSV File
I have exported a CSV from Excel and trying to import this list into VIP Team To Do. Says it works but nothing on the screen.

Anyone help please. I am using a 30 day trial. Love what I see so far but really need to import from CSV or excel

Dear Stephen Mariani,

Please be kindly advised that not all CSV files can be imported to the application. If you need to import some tasks from CSV file, you need to export them first and then import to the application.

You see, when you export to CSV, open the file in Excel format, make some changes in this file and then import it to the program, these changes are not saved, (as MS Excel corrupts these changes for some reason).

But if you export to CSV and open this file in WordPad and then import it to the VIP Team To Do List, all changes that you make will be saved.

So, I recommend you to do the following:

1. Export the database to CSV.
2. Name this file and save it somewhere on your computer.(for example: on thedesktop)
3. Right click on this file, chose "Open with" option.
4. Chose WordPad or NotePad program.
5. Make the changes you need. (but mind, that if you want to change the date of completion of the task, the status of this task must be already completed).
6. Import the file to VIP Team To Do List.
Can you import new tasks into VP Team To Do List? It would save a lot of work in getting existing data from other sources loaded into the database.
Yes, you can import the titles of the tasks from such applications as MS Excel, MS Word, etc.

1. Select/Highlight the names of the tasks
2. Copy the names of the tasks (ex.: CTRL + C)
3. Start VIP Team To Do List
4. Go to menu Tasks
5. Select 'Paste new tasks' option
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