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"...This is an excellent program. I'm so glad that I stumbled on to this when researching for task management programs. Very low learning curv, quite flexible, and the price is right. Tried at least 20 other programs, either too complicated, too expensive, or poor documentation..."
Chad Lindsey -
Honolulu, HI

Process Metrics Checklist


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Process Metrics Checklist In this Process Metrics Checklist you will read about reasons and goals of measuring processes. You will also find out what sample metrics to use. The checklist is supposed to be helpful for people involved in managing, assessing and controlling performance of processes.

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  1. Why Measure Processes (Reasons)
    • Monitor and control processes
    • Drive improvement projects
    • Maximize improvement efforts as much as possible
    • Achieve process alignment with organizational goals and objectives
    • Reward and discipline workforce
  2. What to Reach by Measuring Processes (Goals)
    • Balance across types of processes
    • Organizational coverage
    • Maximized completeness rate
    • Minimized overlap and failure rate
    • Cost-effectiveness
    • Reduced number of errors, failures and waste
    • Process standardization
    • Coverage of strategic goals
    • Process trending measures
  3. Sample Process Metrics.
    • Cost-effectiveness. This metric is calculated by conducting a cost-effectiveness analysis that compares relative costs and outcomes (effects) of a process. A process is cost-effective when its costs are covered or compensated by its outcomes.
    • Strategic alignment. This qualitative metric is figured out through analyzing objectives of various processes to determine whether they’re linked and adjusted to each other. A process is strategically aligned when its objectives are adjusted to other objectives of related processes so that the adjustment leads to optimization of performance between all the processes.
    • Acceptability. This metric determines whether a process is acceptable in terms of expenses and performance. A process becomes acceptable when it is performed under substantially lowered costs as compared to initial cost expectations.
    • Usefulness. It determines how much a process is useful for the organization and whether it fits into the process environment. A process is useful when it has utility and practical worth.
    • Consistency. The indicator shows how well and quickly processes can respond to changing environment. A consistent process is a process that supports frequent changes and is flexible enough to reach effectiveness under sudden or unexpected circumstances.
    • Accuracy. This metric is often applied to repeatable processes to determine whether these processes produce the same expected results after multiple iterations and under unchanged conditions.
    • Reliability. Reliability of a process is a qualitative characteristic that proves whether the process is reliable prior to its implementation. It shows if the process reflects mostly true performance score, with minimized number of errors and reduced failure rate. It’s calculated as a ratio between the expected performance score and the total observed performance.
    • Repeatability. It proves the ability of a process to produce a desired outcome virtually an infinite number of times, without predictable loss of quantity or quality. Most processes are supposed to be repeatable or reproductive because many operations and activities in a typical organization are carried out repeatedly.
    • Timeliness. This metric determines whether a process is completed and produces a desired outcome on a timely manner. It’s calculated as the ratio between the...

Order 750 checklists in MS Word and PDF printable format at $49.99 USD only. BUY NOW! 

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