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One Month before
- Define the type and the subject of the party
The reason why you are going to arrange the party will define its style and mood and help you solve other questions regarding it
- Think about the list of guests and their quantity
- Define exact date and place of the party
Set party date in such manner that all guests have enough time to prepare and were free at this day and find the suitable place that will accommodate required number of people
Send cards, e-mails or call to your guests to invite them to your party
Decide what type of menu you want, e.g. pizza and barbeque, full meal or something else, take into account if somebody has special diet
- Think about interior decorations
Decide what kind of decorations you need in accordance with party's style and make a list of it
- Arrange the rent of place and other equipment
Pay deposits for any rented things, like furniture, plates and dishes, music equipment and so on
Two Weeks before
- Confirm your guests' presence
Phone or meet everybody from your guests list and confirm their future presence and check those of them who will exactly come
If your party will take place in your or somebody's else house, make a preliminary house cleaning
- Make a list of volunteer assistants
Make a list of people who will help you in party organization and inform them about it
Check if all equipment that you will need before the party or during it, works properly, e.g. vacuum cleaner to clean the house, barbeque grilling, gas-stove, music equipment and so on
- Prepare your music repertory
In accordance with your party's style pick out the music repertory, record or buy CD's if required
- Buy required decorations, flowers and so on
- Put away the breakable ...
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