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Honolulu, HI
Kindergarten readiness checklist |
While there are no definite standards that determine when children are truly ready for kindergarten, you can use this kindergarten readiness checklist to understand if your child possesses a number of obligatory skills that will help him/her to feel there on a firm ground without experiencing any serious problems in relations with coevals, child-minders and obeying kindergarten rules. Your child can be considered as ready when he/she matches the most of requirements listed in this checklist.
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General information for parents:
- The most of indicators represented below are positive results of your continuous attentive care, parental love and correct attitudes used for upbringing your children.
- There are several effective programs including special developmental games and funny teaching activities elaborated by internationally recognized pedagogues, which can help your kids in learning necessary skills.
- Take consultations from appropriate specialists.
- Pre-kindergarten age can be managed with a help of calendar that is an approximate plan of child development practices and objectives.
- You can create some printables to keep yourself aware of activities which you need to practice daily with your children to ensure their correct development.
- However, even the best worksheets cannot consider all the personal specificity of your kids, so if anything is going not exactly according to plan – do not worry, be attentive and patient, probably you need small personal adjustment of your approach.
Basic indicators:
- Your child knows his/her full name and how old he/she is.
- Your child counts from 1 to 10, can count objects and make simplest calculations.
- Your child understands general times of day (morning, afternoon, evening, night). Great if he/she can use clocks.
- Your kid recognizes and names major relatives.
- Your child obeys basic home rules.
- Your child can name and recognize the place where he/she lives (address, street, town, etc).
- Kid can hold scissors correctly to cut paper.
- He/she recognizes basic shapes such as square, circle, triangle, rectangle, and can trace them on paper.
- Child can hold a pencil or crayon properly to draw some pictures.
- Child tells stories, and attentively listens when you read tales from books.
- Child is able to recognize authority and pays attention to adult-directed tasks.
- Child can cope with the bathroom needs by him/herself.
- Child was taught of personal hygiene basics (washing hands, brushing teeth, using tissue, etc).
- Child possesses basic cooking skills (spreading bread with butter, making tea, etc).
- Child recognizes and names colors.
- Child can sort items by color, shape and size.
- Child appropriately treats toys which require thinking such as simple puzzles (10-12 pieces).
- Child can identify main parts of his/her body.
- Child can put on and take off his/her coat, button and zip up his/her clothing, wear shoes.
- Child was taught basic rules for safety (electricity, water, crossing the street etc).
- Your child has taken all the required shots along with other medicine exams and procedures.
List of socializing skills:
- Child initiates conversations and asks questions about things around him/her.
- Child participates in art and music activities.
- Child speaks clearly enough, so an adult can understand him/her.
- Child understands feelings of others.
- Child talks in complete sentences of five to six words.
- Child can normally express his/her feelings and needs in words.
- Child understands politeness and says “please” and “thank you”.
- Child can spend extended periods away from parents without being upset.
- Child understands simple rules of behavior and can follow them.
- Child shares his toys and meals with others.
- Child plays with other children.
- Child can tell jokes, imagine stories, and play roles.
Motor activities:
- Walking backward.
- Walking up and down stairs.
- Wheelbarrow walking.
- Dancing.
- Running, jumping and skipping.
- Bouncing, kicking and catching balls and balloons of different sizes.
- Swimming with or without support.
- Riding tricycle or bicycle.
- Climbing on objects like trees, rope-ladders, etc (with parental control).
- Playing hopscotch.
- Planting in the garden.
- Painting on an easel or drawing with chalk.
- Playing simple board games.
- Playing hide-and-seek.
- Playing simple card games.
- Playing badminton.
- Playing cat’s cradle.
- Playing riddles.
- Playing games that teach to identify objects and actions (like “Simon says”).
Order 750 checklists in MS Word and PDF printable format at $49.99 USD only. |
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